- Automatic
Tool Changers Tooling Equipment -
Los Cambiadores
Automaticos de Herramientas DeStaCo
son perfectos para aplicaciones
flexibles con multi-herramienta que
utilizan un solo robot.
Estos productos fueron diseñados con excepcional
repetibilidad, alta rigidez y capacidad de carga
para que sean ideales para cualquier aplicacion robótica.
Las herramientas y utillajes modulares se pueden cambiar en
forma automática, rápida y fácilmente,
para adaptarse a diferentes estilos dentro de una misma
celda de trabajo o maquina.

/ TP - Automatic Tool Changer
| |
Modular robot tool changers lead
the industry with a full product line covering up to 1200 lbs
(545Kg). A wide variety of utilities are available to quick
disconnect, I/O, air, water, weld power, servo power, vacuum lines.
- Simple Locking mechanism
comes with a lifetime warranty
- The best weight to
payload ratio in the industry
- Hard anodize for improved
wear over long periods
- Modular design allows for
cost effectiveness over a wide range of user needs
ver mas -->
Part Number |
Max Payload |
Max Moment |
Weight |
QC-150 |
68 Kg 7 150 lbs |
214 Nm / 1900 in-lb |
2.20 Kg |
QC-30 |
13.6 Kg / 30 lbs |
22.5 Nm / 200 in-lb |
0.23 Kg |
QC-60 |
27 Kg / 60 lbs |
88 Nm / 780 in-lb |
0.86 Kg |
TP-150 |
68 Kg / 150 lbs |
214 Nm / 1900 in-lb |
1.00 Kg |
TP-30 |
13.6 Kg / 30 lbs |
22.5 Nm / 200 in-lb |
0.11 Kg |
TP-60 |
27 Kg / 60 lbs |
88 Nm / 780 in-lb |
0.41 Kg |
/ RTP - Automatic Tool Changer
| |

Our modular robot tool changers lead
the industry with a full product line covering up to 1200lbs
[545Kg]. A wide variety of utilities are available to quick
disconnect, I/O, air, water, weld power, servo power, vacuum lines.
- The RQC series offer a
high level of flexibility accomodating up to 4 optional
modules to be picked up among a wide choice
- The 6 rollers patented
mechanism provides a low stress, highly rigid locking
- The design allows the two
halves to couple at up to a 0.1" [2.5mm] gap and to be safe
in case of air failure"
- Both halves uses an Iso
pattern that allow a direct mounting on robot arm
ver mas -->
Part Number |
Max Payload |
Max Moment |
Weight |
RQC-1200 |
550 Kg
/1200 lbs |
Nm / 30000 in-lb |
6.4 Kg |
RQC-200 |
90 Kg
/ 200 lbs |
810 Nm
/ 7200 in-lb |
2.1 Kg |
RQC-400 |
180 Kg
/ 400 lbs |
Nm / 14000 in-lb |
3.6 Kg |
RQC-800 |
360 Kg
/ 800 lbs |
Nm / 22000 in-lb |
5.3 Kg |
RTP-1200 |
550 Kg
/1200 lbs |
Nm / 30000 in-lb |
1.9 Kg |
RTP-200 |
90 Kg
/ 200 lbs |
810 Nm
/ 7200 in-lb |
0.9 Kg |
RTP-400 |
180 Kg
/ 400 lbs |
Nm / 14000 in-lb |
1.1 Kg |
RTP-800 |
360 Kg
/ 800 lbs |
Nm / 22000 in-lb |
1.8 Kg |
